
Coming soon, I promise...

6 ResponsesLeave a Reply

  1. Hello-

    At one point, there was a track by the title of "Olympic Heroes" that was posted on your site. I would very much enjoy a copy of this piece; I seem to have lost mine in a transition to a new computer. Could you please send me a file? A .midi file, even?

    Thank you ever so kindly,
    Mr. Jason Nebergall, B.A.

  2. kaushik sunder

     /  September 11, 2011 Quote

    Hey!! you are just too good man!! keep up the awesome work 🙂

  3. Hola amigos, me gustaria contactar con UD(s) para ver como puedo hacer uso de su portal para anunciar y/o alojar mis diversos servicios. Muchas gracias

  4. Jim Britell

     /  June 18, 2013 Quote


    This service is a blessing and a great service but the MOG entries don't work. The others provide a thumbnail & soundclip but nothing activates the MOG links,and I am a MOG subscriber.

    Also a Q Is there any program that links MOG tracks to Amazon?

    I am a classical music collector and this is very helpful in finding poorly indexed tracks/albums - a huge problems in a world that treats every movement of a symphony as a "song", and doesn't indicate/value/index/list composers at all half the time.

  5. prince agrawal

     /  July 14, 2013 Quote


  6. lance

     /  July 28, 2021 Quote

    I would be delighted to show you my music I've created with the NES VST but am having trouble downloading it to my Mac i am not sure if its compatible with it or not still in the process of finding out.

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