Thoughts on Rdio UX

Rdio was known for its clean design and elegant user interface. The attention to detail really made a difference in the product and it was one of my favorite parts of working there.

Some years ago, I collected ideas for further improving Rdio's web UX in the following document. Many of the points are obsolete and were addressed in later updates. I'm sharing it here because I believe the principles are still relevant for other web apps.

Selectable Rows

Rdio would benefit from incorporating more desktop UI affordances. Rdio should treat tracks in lists as traditional list view items (single click to select, double click to play, arrow up and down to navigate), not like hyperlinks.  

What this might look like:

One counterargument is that users expect web-like behavior in a web browser, but we do have a desktop wrapper app. I believe users embrace native desktop behavior in the browser when it is carried out consistently.  

Rdio seems handicapped by adherence to web affordances. The link-based web paradigm is great for documents (Wikipedia, blogs, etc.), but it does not provide a sufficient set of affordances for managing a music collection. Curation-heavy users suffer.

Fast list views that support multiple selection are important for managing playlists. It is challenging but not impossible to do native-style table views in the browser.


  1. Dropbox web app. It is very responsive and does an instant client-side sort.
  2. The track list views within HTML Spotify apps are very fast virtual scroll tables (but without multiple-select or column sort).
  3. Grooveshark also does this well (but ugly), with multiple-select and column sort.
  4. iTunes store track lists are HTML based with sortable columns, but with hover behaviors and no selection. Probably the worst example to emulate.

Sortable Columns

Sortable columns are useful in any track list that includes tracks from multiple albums. Sortable columns allow the user to quickly scan a list by track title, by album title, or by artist name, in order to find what they are browsing for.  Rdio loses a couple important affordances by enabling sort through a dropdown menu instead of column headers:

  1. No ability to do a descending sort
  2. No distinction between which column is album and which is artist
  3. No persistent indication of what fields are sortable
  4. It requires two clicks to do the sort (one to open the menu, one to select an item)

Track Popularity

Popularity: a metric derived from playcounts, with freshness provided by exponential falloff.

A popularity meter should be displayed next to every track. It is a reliable indicator of how great a song is. It leads you directly to an artist's representative songs. It makes discovery through browsing/searching more powerful. It makes artist-hopping 10 times more efficient. It is an indispensable signal for the most engaged users. Today I overheard someone say he uses album comments to find tracks to listen to because "the most popular song will be the one with the most track comments." This is a crude proxy for true popularity.

Our users browse music with intent. Sometimes the intent is loosely defined; users click the album art that catches their eye. Sometimes they browse because they forgot the name of a track, so they can't search it. But sometimes they browse with another very clear intent: to discover new music that suits their taste. Browsing to discover music is the intent of our most intimate concern. The popularity meter, guiding the user to preview the best tracks an artist or album has to offer, is key to this behavior.

Rdio already has a “Top Tracks” feature and the ability to “sort by Most Played.” Isn't that good enough?

No, for three reasons:

  1. We still need to see popularity on unsorted track lists. Album pages, playlists, queue, etc. all lack the ability to sort by popularity. It is crucial for the user to see track popularity on album pages.
  2. Popularity is not uniformly distributed. Popularity bars let you see a “hit single” that might be 10 times more popular than the rest of the tracks. If we don't show popularity, the user sees no distinction between albums with tracks of roughly equal popularity, and an album where there is a single very popular track.  In the case of an album with equally popular tracks, the ranked list can be downright misleading – the popularity measure won't help the user find the best track (or there may not be a clear winner). The user needs to know that in order to inform her listening decisions. The solution is to display the popularity bar next to each track.
  3. Popularity-ranked lists only appear in certain places, and these lists don't have anything that visually sets them apart from unranked lists. In other words: if you sort a list by track title, you will see that the track names are ordered alphabetically. This is an important cue. If you order tracks by Most Played, there's a troubling absence of visual cues to reflect that fact.

The only potential issue with popularity is that recently released songs will be skewed toward the top. But for ranking search results – and in the general case – this is what users want. If users want to separate the trending popular songs from the historically popular songs, this is a separate problem that might be worth investigating.

Hover Elements

The UI should not hide important elements behind mouse hover events. This leads to a UI that feels jumpy, and becomes a sort of treasure hunt for the user.

At the extreme, hover-sensitive elements completely hide functionality. The Profile Reviews page is a good example of this, since the Edit and Delete links don't appear until you hover over the review; or on the Queue page, where you can't see the "Mix in related artists" checkbox until you're playing an artist station and hover over the station track list header. You also don’t see the “CLEAR” button until you hover over the track list.

Second item has mouseover, showing Edit and Delete links:

Without mouseover:

With mouseover:

Hover-sensitive elements are a trick to make a UI look cleaner. The pattern is much less common in native desktop applications, probably owing a great deal to the :hover CSS pseudoselector. 

Compared to play buttons (whether they are hidden until hover or not), the ubiquitous track selection pattern from iTunes/Spotify/Winamp is easier for users. From a raw UI mechanics standpoint, it is easier to double-click the area of an entire track row (typically 1000x24, a 24,000 pixel area) than it is to click on a much smaller play icon (22x22, a 500 pixel area).

Screen Real Estate

Track rows in Rdio are currently 38 pixels tall. In the search results layout, tracks occupy 50 pixels of vertical space. Albums occupy 100 pixels and artists occupy 70 pixels.  

The large track row style is derived from thinking of Rdio as a website and not an application. Track rows are 19 pixels tall in iTunes, and 20 pixels tall in Spotify, 23 pixels in Grooveshark. Dropdown menu items are 19 pixels tall in OS X UI.  This is a number that maximizes readability and information density.

Screen real estate is valuable. The 98x36 pixel space allocated for Explicit/Preview/Unavailable badge in track rows is quite wasteful. Text should extend to that area when the badge is hidden. Music services in general must be mindful of long track titles, album titles, and artist names. This is bad:

The question is, what recourse does the user have when track titles are truncated? Can the user resize the window, or does the column have maximum width limit? Can the user resize columns? Can the user hover to get a tooltip with the full title? All these affordances are baked in to desktop table views that have evolved over decades, but get lost in the reduction to web. This may be a very specific symptom of the pitfalls of designing with fake text, using idealized placeholders like "Nicki Minaj" and "Madonna."

And the broader question behind pixel allocation is the value of white space. It's a complicated question because the value of simplicity is large at the beginning of the user's relationship with an application, but asymptotically approaches a lower value as the user becomes comfortable with the application and needs to carry out more complex tasks.

Context Menus

Rdio action menus should be made available through a right-click context menu.

Like the small play button, the small Action Menu button makes for a difficult interaction. The menu only appears on mouseup, which makes it seem more unresponsive. Once users discover a right-click, it’s much easier to perform than clicking this small icon. Most of these Action Menu actions are also available through drag-and-drop (with the exception of Download and Sync to Mobile), but providing multiple action vectors is a great thing.

Grooveshark actually makes action menus available through both right-click and a hover button:

Google Docs has a really outstanding right click menu. It supports up/down arrow keys to select items and displays keyboard shortcuts.

Reimplementing these desktop application affordances is one of the things that makes web applications difficult to build – but they are essential to a great user experience.

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