Preparing the Playstation Eye for Multitouch

In order to use the 120 fps Playstation Eye camera with your IR multitouch table, you have to remove the infrared blocking filter built into the camera and add your own visible light blocking filter. This can be accomplished in a few short steps detailed here at the nuigroup forums, and a floppy disk material […]

Multitouch Air Hockey in Processing

I'm working on a multitouch implementation of virtual air hockey in Processing using the awesome JBox2d library. This involves a few hacks and workarounds that might be useful to share with others. More to come...

New Site

After years of limbo, I'm finally launching a new site.  I would like to showcase my work and not get too hung up on maintaining the site itself, so I've settled on WordPress. Things to come: Project showcase Research journal Design portfolio The occasional personal blog once in a while (but not too personal) If […]

Les Larmes

Will and I played Les Larmes at Music Hall, 2427 Union Drive tonight. The performance was a thrilling success.  We were first in a lineup of about 25.  We were the only performers that May Lim introduced herself.  We marched to the pianos, bearing twenty fingers of fury and Rachmaninoff coursing through our veins.  As I sat down at the […]

DG Centenary Collection

Hello everyone. I want to let you all know about a great CD set I have discovered. It's called the Deutsche Grammophon Centenary Collection.  It celebrates DG's 100th anniversary and is broken into six box sets, comprising over 60 CD's in total.  The discs are packed with award-winning recordings of DG's most famous artists, including Herbert von Karajan, Daniel […]

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