Weird Spotify Compression Artifacts
This is my personal blog. The views expressed on this page are mine alone and not those of my employer. Spotify Artifacts Showcase I love Spotify. But I've noticed some weird artifacts on a few albums. It sounds like a fluttery warble noise in the midrange. It's most noticeable during big string or choir sections […]
Multi-Touch for Musical Applications
This semester, I have been working with Stefan Sullivan and Scott Dickey on a multi-touch table for musical applications. My goal was to get latency to an absolute minimum, since even small delays can ruin the experience of performance. We achieved 25-30ms latency from touch to audio output with our camera-based system, compared to 50-60ms […]
Speech Gender Conversion
Interesting gender conversion results... Barack Obama obama.wav obama_to_female.wav obama_to_child.wav Sarah Palin palin.wav palin_to_male.wav palin_to_female.wav Katie Couric couric.wav couric_to_male.wav Al Gore algore.wav algore_to_female.wav algore_to_child.wav Hip-Hop turnstiles.wav turnstiles_to_child.wav Details on the project page.
Voice to NES Music Converter
This is a weekend project idea. Wouldn't it be cool to sing into a mic and have your voice converted to the sweet sound of a 2A03 pulse-width-modulated square wave? "Yes, Matt, that would be cool! But how can it be done!?" I'll tell you. I've got a VST instrument that does my NES synthesis […]
PADsynth in MATLAB
Update, February 15, 2019: Try PADsynth in your browser. PADsynth is a synthesis technique that generates a lush sound with a simple algorithm. The algorithm begins with additive synthesis, where you build a timbre with a sine wave at the fundamental and each overtone. A frequency magnitude plot of this would show several thin spikes. […]
I'm obsessed with getting externalized sounds out of headphones. It turns out this is darn near impossible. Using head-related transfer functions to filter the sound and emulate a "transaural" (loudspeaker) source is only the tip of the iceberg... Read more at binaural audio remixing. I spent the afternoon yesterday trying to reproduce the soundfield created […]